Friday, December 30, 2011

Let's try this again...First/Last of 2011

I left this blog back in Dubai, came home and got back to reality. So with that being explained, I am back in Dallas, ready to mentally purge for a spell...would you like to hear a mental regurgitation?

Shoulders made to carry the world...
I bear the world upon my shoulders. My legs quiver and shake at times due to the addition of burdens pertained by others, but supported by me. To my knees I cannot fall, my hands will never rest on anything other than the world my shoulders carry upon it. Previously, in the past, I would periodically "drop the ball", but never again...lesson learned and learned the hard way.

I lost my mother and almost lost my family, I had the best career year, but the worst personal experience of my life. I retained so much knowledge and patience, while I was away, but didn't have the ability to pass that bring about peace for everyone else around me. FAIL and not for lack of effort, but more so for lack of understanding and communication. Pain is proof of existence, but only for you and no one around you. Humility...vulnerability is a two way street to successful communication of the heart, mind, body and soul, but sadly pride, arrogance, self justification and entitlement always seem to win the battle, but not yet the war.

My heart hurts for my Brother, because his mother is not here...My heart hurt for my father, because his was is no longer here, but he has found a happy place and I am okay with that. My heart hurts, but to place this world on the shoulders of others who cannot bare it's's my World to carry and I will not complain.

More to come...

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