Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dubai the Ugly: Prostitution that makes Las Vegas look tame.

After returning from Afghanistan and enjoying 12 days with my family, I hoped back on a plane for another 17 hour flight to Dubai, my new home for 2010/2011. I had spent a few days in Dubai previously, but now I was working and living there. I had heard the stories about this place, but had no idea what I was getting myself into. So here are my thoughts of the Great, Good, bad and ugly of Dubai.

Ugly of Dubai-Getting this out the way
I get to my hotel, it's 11 pm and I have been flying for over 17 hours. I already miss my family and just want a drink. I drop my bags in my office/room and call the front desk to find out where I can get a drink, the clerk says there is a bar/club in the lobby that most of the Americans frequent and it stays open til 4 am...perfect! I walk down, turn the corner and hear "Teach me how to Dougie", excited and hopeful to see some other Americans, I walk to the door...cover is 50 Dharam, roughly $15 and you get two drink tickets SCORE!!! I walk in, hat pulled low, tshirt, jeans, Vibram Five Fingers on my feet and the stench of flying. I walk to the bar, order a Corona and vodka cranberry, not really paying attention to my surroundings. Pull out a B& flavored of course, put it to my lips and out of no where two lit lighters appear, attached to two beautiful women, one Asian of sorts and the other probably Nigerian. I take a drag, thank them, show them my wedding band so they will keep it moving...they didn't move. I tried to be nice and tell them I wasn't interested, but then the Asian utters in her broken Full Metal Jacket "You like a lady fo tonight?" WTH!?!?! My eyes opened as I glanced through the bar...I just realized I was in whore central. Stunned, I grabbed my beer and took a sip as I hear a deep country redneck say "Move over whores, can't you see doesn't want your nasty ass?" With an attitude, they moved in to the next potential victim. Redneck Jonathan sat beside me and filled me on Dubai's prostitution problem, the politics behind it and where not to go...I thanked him with two beers, besides fending off the vultures for me and telling me where NOT to go, he told me plenty of great places TO go. He left the next day and I never saw him again, but still remember his words "You aren't like these other contractors, you look educated, well rounded and street smart, don't get hustled. This is the UGLIEST...Most beautiful city in the world, but you make the choice the choice on which you enjoy." I made the choice to avoid places like that, unless we had a body guard i.e. Female contractors and large groups. The two other times we went, it was as if we were invisible, which made for great people watching, eve's dropping and hilarious "You got Served" moments between the locals on the dance floor.

Yes, though Dubai is considered a strict Islamic country, prostitution is running ramped. It isn't every where and it isn't like they are walking the streets, but walk into a hotel bar playing music that is friendly to the American ear, beware...these chicks are Slumdog Millionaire hustling. You can hear them negotiating prices like they are at a flea market. Women from Nigeria, Russia, Asia and the Phillapeans, seemingly either forced into the oldest profession by someone or poverty. Personally, I was disgusted by the entire situation, GhoniSiphaHerpAIDS is real, it would be like playing Russian Roulette with a Glock with a full clip and in the chamber, but many men, from the Sheik with 4 wives fighting over one girl in the street outside of my room, to the bus boy enjoying his payday feel they are invincible.

So word to the wise to anyone, man or woman, going to Dubai:
- Wear a shirt that says "I don't pay to play!!!"
- GhoniSiphaHerpAIDS is real...DON'T DO IT!!!
- Rich or Poor, they will come after you, so just say NO.
- Guys: if she is pretty, she is probably a "Working Girl", keep it moving.
- Stay away from 4 Star and below Hotels, but realize they are EVERY WHERE

Next on DECK:
Dubai: The Bad
- 140 degrees: where they do that at?
- The black market of EVERYTHING!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Denton, TX


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW! Just incredible hypocrisy! How can women be defiled like that in a country where as you said, strict Sharia law exists, as well as moral codes regarding the conduct of men and women? Are the western bars and hot spots neutral zones?

  3. Kevin - You are going to battle alot of things while you are away, just know that you have a team of people that are praying for you and your family. No matter how dark it may get, keep hold to your faith, because at times that may be the only thing that keeps you. Enjoy this moment and embrace it. Not many will experience and see all that you will. I am happy for you..and know if you need a friend I am here. You can blog me...or email me :-)

  4. DP: It's almost like a double was if they pick and choose what they want to follow or enforce. I will say this, many people followed the Islamic laws, but truthfully the theory is that the government is supporting this "business" for kick backs.

    AJ: Thank you so much. I have traveled many miles in life with only being 30 years old and have been through, seen more and experienced more than most people in this world, thank you. With that being said, I am back in the US since the beginning of December, because my mother passed away. I thought I was going back, but my company decided it was cheaper to send a full time employee and not a contractor, though they promised me a full time contract in December. None the less, you will see where life has taken me since...if you keep up with the blog ;0)
