Saturday, November 27, 2010

Reality as I see it.

A country boy, mixed with the hood and the burbs, now sitting in Dubai, UAE wearing a 3 piece suit, sipping espresso, working from an iPad, but still listening to Kanye and Weezy, while smoking a wine flavored black and is so different, but I am still me...Kevin MF Jiles. Professionally, people meet me and are impressed with my knowledge of the world and are quite surprised that I am only 30, because of my mature mindset, but as I said...this is professionally, not personally. I am still Kevin, a fool, who enjoys good laughs and good friends, but family focused. Now I have just gone global, physically, while mentally I am still home focused, family oriented. I miss the creature comforts of the US and my family, but I know God sent me here for reason, but I am still trying to figure that out. None the less, my journey is always a progression forward, regardless of others opinions to the contrary.

The things I am doing is so that Mason will be taken care of and have a sense of pride when someone mentions me. I am trying to create a legacy, to which, when I pass, people will owe my family, not vice versa. This is my motivation, which makes my sacrifices so well worth it.

This is my inspiration for success, to know that this woman is taken care of and has the opportunity to experience the things she could never have imagined, drives me to push hard for success. My wife, the love of my life, my heart, my strength, when I have nothing left and I thank God everyday for her and for showing me how I truly NEED her by my side to accomplish ANYTHING in this world. I thank you.

My brother, if you know us and the relationship we have, I don't even have to explain to you what he means to me. He is/was like my son, before Mason was even a thought. I have always wanted him to be better than me and eventually push Mason to be better thane was, because they deserve better, the Jiles name is just as much about progression, as I am as an individual aspect.

My parents...I do everything I do, because of all they have ever done. Through the pain now, I know my mother understands my abscense and my father day.

So this is Reality as I see it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Dubai,United Arab Emirates

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